I'm starting to obsess over socks. Silly, I know, yet I've started to get some pleasure out of knitting something so small. Sure there is the headache of turning the heel, but they tend to move quickly along the needles and you have something to show for the knitting time in a fairly short period. Now I'm finding myself searching for patterns and looking over my stash to see what would be appropriate to work on. I'm thinking of presents, gifts, expressions of my love for others...and I'm thinking of people's feet.
Now, just so you know, I don't like feet. At least I don't like my feet. And, well, B's feet aren't all that hot. And, truth be told, the boy's feet are just nasty. So I guess I don't like the feet of people I know. Anyway, thinking about people's feet has me thinking of ways I can get them to tell me their shoe sizes or how to measure them so that I can make socks. But then there is all the pressure related to telling someone to measure their feet for something that I'll be making that will be personal for them.
How do I know they'll measure right? What color socks do I think they'll like? What if they have a particular color in mind and I don't like knitting that color? Do they like short socks or long socks? How about thickness? Are they to be fancy or plain? How do I know they'll even tell the truth about their foot size? Maybe they've always wanted small feet and think that if I make them smaller socks, their feet will magically shrink? These are the things I think about.I'm going to stick to thinking about my feet for now and what I'd like my feet to be wearing. I don't usually make things for me, but I want to make more socks and I know my feet so I'll be making me some socks. Maybe lots of socks or maybe only a few. Maybe I'll make enough socks to wear a different pair every day. Maybe I'll only make enough to wear on a special occasion. Maybe I'll get bored while working on this next pair and they'll end up sitting on the needles for over a year like the last ones. You never can tell with socks.
You sister has cute feet! She wears a size 6 shoe and would LOVE to show off some awesome socks that her unbelievably cool sister knit her. Just saying... Loved this post! Keep blogging it up girl!